Drivebrain Software
No Matches

native platform nix build:

nix build

development building


cross-compile natively (if on x86)

nix build .#legacyPackages.x86_64-linux.pkgsCross.aarch64-multiplatform.drivebrain_software


wiki link

implementation details

  • drivebrain_core_base shouldnt change from car to car but drivebrain_core_impl may change

first pass


  • at first, we will generate protobuf message descriptions from the simulink model
  • we will do handle manual integration for any new inputs / outputs


  1. do we want to separate the state estimation and the controllers?
    • I think so since we can iterate on controllers faster than state estimation and switch between them using the same plugin/library defined state estimation systems.
  2. does it really make sense to have the state estimation be separated from the controller when they are both developed in simulink?
    • maybe...?
    • how will we handle having both the state estimation and the controller in simulink lap sim AND having to have wrapper code for when it becomes a separate lib integration?

I think for q2, we can go with keeping the state estimation monolithic?

  • keep CASE, just new wrapper code for v1?


ideas about manually implemented controllers vs generated controllers

idea: if we have the ability to go both ways for having the ability to both:

  1. define/add inputs for a simulink model based on a .proto message
  2. generate a .proto message from either inputs OR outputs of a simulink model

and generated code for the data passing into and out of proto messages, then we can book-end the controllers and estimators.

release plan


  • [ ] make a controller manager for switching between controllers
  • [ ] implement simple controller to use for testing
    • end to end test of the controller?
  • [ ] write tests
    • will obv want to also have these run in CI (nix develop devshell works pretty well for this and we can use the same testing framework that is used by our platformio stuff for easy of knowledge sharing)
  • [ ] implement the core protocol over UART for the controller to talk directly to the micro
    • the output of this would also benefit from the commschamp to protobuf message adapter since we want to be able to log this output by default
      • these driver comms between the micro
  • [ ] make an interface for the foxglove parameter server
    • this will also need to talk with both the controller manager and the
    • how will we hook this up into the controller and state estimator?

resources / libs to use

(potential) for CAN interaction:

for CAN parsing:

what we want from the drivebrain driver bus

how much do we want to tie in protobuf?

  • do we want each driver to have to deal with protobufs or do we want them to output something else?
    • we need a way to unify each driver's output to the driver bus
      • I think it would be fine to have each driver be able to define their own protobuf message for output
        • we cant have a single message type that we compose from the driver messages
        • we will need some sort of registration for each message type
      • each driver can act as an adapter to protobuf messages
      • do we want to be able to have N messages be returned from each driver? or does each driver have to only output one message?
        • we still want to be able to have a single message per topic in foxglove / mcap
        • we can have named channels in each driver
        • protobuf introspection for the data acq

what about a json based message struct generator for setting what each driver can output?

  • we can generate the json with matlab too and so we can hook into the code gen
  • we can generate protos and adapter code between the struct and the resulting protobuf message to output requirements:

needs to be composed directly from drivers it is composed of

  • the drivers being used are known at compile time

parameter interface

  • the drivers have to a parameter update function that can be used outside of initialization


nix develop enters you into the devshell for building with cmake

example c_cpp_properties.json file to be placed in your .vscode/:

"configurations": [
"name": "dev",
"includePath": [
"defines": [],
"compileCommands": "${workspaceFolder}/build/compile_commands.json"
"version": 4